Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Teeth whitening?

fastest, longest lasting, and cheapest

Teeth whitening?
as with most things in the united states, you get what you pay for. in a recent consumers reports article i seem to remember them examining a number of over the counter remedies as well as that offered by your dentist.

whitening toothpastes are probably the cheapest, but also the least effective.

whitening products that either go on strips, are brushed on, etc. work to a certain extent, but can be difficult to manage - ie, if you do it wrong, you can end up with spotted teeth, and uneven bleaching or odd coloring; if you do it too long or don't follow the instructions - the same fate. the best of these I believe are anything that can be applied evenly as a strip or mold and left on. Those applied with a brush sometimes require you to afix a funny grin while it dries. I believe that crest strips or similar outperformed the more expensive things you might find offered on TV or the internet

by far, the best results with longest lasting was to go to your dentist - but probably also the most expensive.

you may have to do an experiment and see how much you would have to spend by doing it your own with X number of applications and kits, compared to one whitening session with the dentist.

of course regular check ups and cleanings with your dentist will help naturally, as well as trying to avoid common staining substances such as smoking or tea and coffee (or trying to brush immediately after drinking these)
Reply:crest whitestrips are good.
Reply:try brushing 3ce a day with colgate toothpaste. i used it n my teeth are whiter and it works great against plaque.


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