Sunday, August 2, 2009

Any teeth whitening remedies that really works?

I am looking for inexpensive teeth whitening method for my sensitive teeth. Any one have remedies works?

Many Thanks

Any teeth whitening remedies that really works?
My mother has always used baking soda and warm water on a toothbrush to brush her teeth and being the age that she is her teeth are really whiter than any norm.
Reply:I had porcelain veneers fitted, and an happy with them
Reply:Try Crest Whitestrips, they really really really work!
Reply:Swish bleach around your mouth. DON'T swallow!
Reply:No, sorry.
Reply:They all work to some extent, but they will only last from anything from 6 months to 2 years.
Reply:Brush your teeth with baking soda. The baking soda Whitens your teeth.
Reply:try go askin' a dentist that, 'cuz i've tried like all of 'em and dosen't really work ^.^
Reply:Try my wife and I have had great results with this product.

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